The club meets on the first Tuesday of the month (unless it's followed by a Bank Holiday)
at 8pm.
at 8pm.
Month | Event | Venue |
January 14th | New Year Dinner | The Bletchingley Arms at 7pm |
February 4th
Horse Racing Evening | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
March 4th | Skittles & Supper Evening | British Legion Club, Limpsfield at 7pm |
April 1st✝ | Paul Stanworth – Musical Night | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
May 6th | Francis Dickinson - 'Good, Better, Best' Talk | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
June 3rd✝
Tipplers’ Stroll | Maureen & Chris at 7pm then Janet & Graham |
July 1st | Summer Party | South Nutfield Cricket Club at 7.00pm |
August 9th | Vineyard visit – TBC | |
September 2nd
Quiz Night | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
October 7th✝ | Cheese Tasting with Jenny Deeprose | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
November 4th | AGM & games | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
December 2nd | Christmas Party | Christ Church Centre - hall at rear |
Please note: Special events marked ✝ cost £6.00 per person. Other events subs are £2.00 per person.