Monday, 9 December 2024

December 2024 Meeting

A bumper turnout of twenty-six members, all wearing Christmas themed items of clothing, attended our Christmas Party on the 3rd December. A warming and welcome glass of mulled wine was very kindly provided by Graham which gave everyone a chance to chat. 

Background Christmas music was provided by Kent (on his blue-tooth). The buffet table was a veritable sight to behold with a cornucopia of food contributions provided by individual members from which we helped ourselves. A very big thank you to all members for providing such a wonderful array of goodies.

Then there was just time for a Christmas-themed quiz (top marks achieved by Graham and Caroline) before the raffle, which, as always, was a wonderful array of gifts superbly organised by Mary and Derek.

Look forward to catching up with everyone at our New Year Dinner on Tuesday, 14th January at the Red Lion, Bletchingley. Happy New Year to all!!