Friday, 10 November 2023

November 2023 AGM meeting

November was the month for our AGM and was attended by 20 members and 2 guests. The vital business of the evening being the appointment of Officers and Committee but luckily no arm twisting was required so the ‘old’ Committee was duly re-elected:

Chair : Val Large
Secretary : Janet Bailey
Treasurer : Graham Bailey
Committee : Heather Charman, Mary Freeman, Derek Freeman and Kent Sandiford

Following the AGM, it was ‘eyes down and look in’ as Bingo was next on the Agenda.

Next month we will be meeting on Tuesday, 5th December for the Club’s Christmas Party which will include Members’ food contributions and mulled wine, together with a few seasonal quizzes.

At the Christmas Party details will be available for our New Year Dinner on the 16th January.