Despite the imminent arrival of Storm Antoni, 10 intrepid members set out for their August outing to the Rural Life Living Museum located near Farnham. The Museum, set in 10 acres, was opened in 1973 by Henry and Madge Jackson and is a countryside museum featuring exhibits and buildings from 1750 to 1960. To date they have over 40,000 artefacts relating to agriculture and rural life which would have otherwise been lost or destroyed.
On arrival we fortified ourselves with refreshments in the Market Garden CafĂ© before venturing outside. To our surprise we were greeted with sunshine and a blue sky. Armed with a very informative map we made our way around the Museum, starting with the Arcon Prefab and Stanton Shelter before moving onto Henry’s Yard and Forge and the Tweedsmuir Polish Camp, not missing out on a ride on the Old Kiln Light Railway!!
Next stop was lunch and, as luck would have it, Storm Antoni then decided to make an appearance in the form of a heavy downpour. By the time we had eaten the rain had stopped and the sun had again come out. We managed further visits to the Chapel, School Room and Cricket Pavilion before closing time and our departure.
Many thanks to Graham B for suggesting this visit and for providing the transport for what turned out, for us, to be a very interesting and enjoyable day despite the predictions from the weather experts!!
The next meeting will be a tasting of members’ favourite wines, on 5th September in Christ Church Hall. Please contact Janet (822333) if you need further details of these meetings.
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