Monday, 10 July 2023

July 2023 Meeting

On 4th July, eighteen members of the Nutfield Wine Club and a guest enjoyed the club’s summer party at Bower Hill farm, the venue kindly provided by Guy Amos. It’s a beautiful peaceful location, as can be seen in the accompanying photograph. The weather was pleasant, although not as warm as recent weeks. Members thoroughly enjoyed chatting and catching up, and sharing food and refreshments.

Thanks to Janet and Val L for organising the event, to Mary and Derek for the excellent raffle, and to members for their contributions.

We next meet for an excursion on Saturday 5th August, which will be a visit to The Surrey Rural Life Living Museum, Farnham, and a pub nearby. Members will receive an email with details in the preceding week.

The following meeting will be a tasting of members’ favourite wines, on 5th September in Christ Church Hall. Please contact Janet (822333) if you need further details of these meetings.