Monday, 10 April 2023

April 2023 Meeting

The Club’s April meeting was an extremely interesting presentation by Chris Hoskins on the subject of ‘Postcard Peculiarities’ and greatly enjoyed by the members present. 

The years 1900 to 1930 were the golden age of postcards, the subjects of which were usually topographical, risqué!, transport (buses or trains) or family snapshots and the size roughly 5½ by 3½ inches. Postcards were not only made of paper but also of leather and even wood. 

At the end of the talk he showed a number of postcards which depicted local scenes, in particular one postcard outside the shops in Station Approach and one of Doods Brow School, the year being 1910.

Many thanks to Graham and Caroline for supplying the projection equipment and to Val for organising the raffle.

Our next meeting is Tuesday, 9th May and is a visit to Bower Hill Farm to include a fish and chip supper.