Names were selected randomly for 4 teams, namely: Cordon, Arms, Head, and Canopy (wine aficionados will recognise that these as parts of a grape vine). After 4 rounds and some excellent bowling, team Arms (Angela, Denise, Janet and Kent) was declared the winner on the night. However, a “steward’s inquiry” was conducted later in the week, with a recount. It turned out that the winning team was actually team Cordon (Francis, Trish, Derek F, and Jane) with 117 points, closely followed by Arms, Head and Canopy, in that order.
No one recorded a flopper (all 9 pins with one ball), but there were a few dam busters (bouncing balls). The best individual score on the night was from Denise, with 39 points, who also had the best single round score of 16, including a spare (ie all 9 pins with 2 balls). In equal second were Francis, Derek F, and Mary’s off-the-bench team. Graham B also won a prize for the remarkable feat in one round of a beaver or duck. He managed to thread all 3 balls between the pins without knocking any over (also known as a spider (Worcestershire), or a bolter (South Wales)). There is a rumour that another member owes him £100 for the feat.
Many thanks go to the British Legion for the venue, a friendly bar team, and for a warming and plentiful supper; to Janet for organising the evening, to Graham and Caroline who organised the teams and recorded the scoring, to Janet who organised the prizes, and to Graham B for some of the transportation.
We next meet on Tuesday 4th April at the Christ Church Hall for a talk by one of our members on Postcard Particularities (they may or may not be from the Edge). Please contact Janet (822333) for further information about the meeting or the club.
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