Answer: Any evening with the Nutfield Wine Club, especially the Christmas party.
Twenty-one members, plus one guest, attended our Christmas Party on the 6th December, and successfully beat the winter blues, at least for one night. It was an evening of sipping, nibbling tasty victuals (from Middle English ‘vitailen’), Christmas music (thanks to Kent’s blue-tooth and playlist), and of course conviviality.
Val Large, our chair, had laid down a challenge of a prize for the best-decorated slippers. Most members had gone to some effort, and there was some spectacular creativity on show on members’ feet. Special mention should go to Val L and Pat. By popular vote, Heather won the prize for the best-dressed slippers (see photo).
Janet had organised a Christmas dingbats quiz. Several members scored very highly, but the prize for the top score went to Graham and Caroline H for a perfect score (18/18).
Many thanks go to Val for co-ordinating, Mary and Derek for an excellent raffle, and all who helped make the evening so much fun.
We look forward to catching up with everyone at our New Year Dinner on the 17th January at the Bletchingley Arms. Please contact Janet Bailey (822333) for further details.
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