Monday, 14 November 2022

November 2022 AGM Meeting

For our November meeting, which was attended by fifteen members, this was our AGM month – a meeting that everyone looks forward to!! Our Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer duly presented their reports and then we moved onto the Election of Officers and Committee. Luckily the current Officers and Committee were prepared to stand for a further year so the following were duly re-elected:

Chair : Val Large
Secretary: Janet Bailey
Treasurer: Graham Bailey
Committee: Heather Charman, Mary Freeman, Derek Freeman and Kent Sandiford

With the serious part of the evening done and dusted, members were then able to enjoy socialising and/or participating in games (bar skittles and quoits). Many thanks to Mary and Derek for organising the raffle.

Our Christmas Party is on the 6th December and the competition for the evening will be the best decorated Xmas slippers!!! There will be a prize for the winner. Look forward to seeing everyone there.

A date for the diary: Tuesday, 17th January 2023 is our New Year Dinner at the Bletchingley Arms. Details available at the Christmas Party.