Our Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer duly presented their reports and then we moved on to the Election of Officers and Committee. Most of the members of the Committee were prepared to stand for a further year as we had not had meetings until June, and the line-up is as follows:
Chairman : Val Large
Secretary : Janet Bailey
Treasurer : Graham Bailey
Committee : Heather Charman, Mary Freeman, Derek Freeman, & Kent Sandiford
The planned programme for 2022 was discussed and agreed, and highlights are likely to include: Members’ favourite wines in February, Skittles at the British Legion (Limpsfield) in March, Tipplers Stroll in June, outing in August, and wine-tasting in October. We concluded with some light-hearted games. The out-going secretary showed his Zumba moves unfortunately.
Isobel Taylor was made a life member of the club, for her services over the years, particularly for her sterling leadership as secretary and publicity officer during 2007-17.
The 2021 Christmas Party has been moved to 14th December, 8.00 pm, where we will be giving a prize for the best-dressed table. New members are welcome. Please contact Janet Bailey (Ph 822333) or me for further details.