Friday, 22 November 2019

November 2019 Meeting

November was our AGM where the old committee stands down and the new committee stands up – a meeting that everyone looks forward to!! 

Luckily there was not too much twisting of arms and the Committee for the next 12 months was duly elected:

Chairman: Val Large
Secretary: Francis Dickinson
Treasurer: Graham Bailey

Heather Charman
Mary Freeman
Derek Freeman
Kent Sandiford
Janet Bailey

With the serious part of the evening done and dusted members were then able to enjoy socialising and discussing the programme of events for 2020. Many thanks go to Mary and Derek for organising the raffle.

Look forward to seeing a few more members at the Christmas Party on the 3rd December. Members are encouraged to wear an item of Christmas-themed clothing (e.g. a jumper). 

There will be a prize for the best outfit. Rumour has it that our own unique version of ‘Name that Tune’ may be back by popular demand!!

At the Christmas Party details will be available re our New Year Dinner on the 14th January.