Thursday, 13 December 2018

December 2018 Meeting

Twenty club members and two guests met in December for the club’s Christmas party, which included tasty food, wine, a quiz, live music, and last but not least convivial company. 

We set the mood with mulled wine (many thanks to Pete and Suze), and members brought a wide range of tasty food contributions. Thanks to Chris and Maureen, who provided a very interesting quiz based on cryptic descriptions of London Tube stations; and to Suze and Pete for the usual raffle. 

The Vintage Trio (Colin, Graham, and Francis) provided a range of live music, with songs by Elvis Presley, Graham Nash, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash, Ella Fitzgerald, Bart Howard, Elizabeth Cotton, Tom Paxton, John Fogerty, and Leonard Cohen.

Next month, we will be meeting on Tuesday 15th January for the Club’s New Year dinner at a local pub.

Our club is an informal one, which enjoys wine, food, and good company. There is a members’ annual fee of only £7 each, and a very low charge for events to cover costs. Village residents are encouraged to call David or Francis (contact numbers below) if they are interested in sampling a club event, or would like to learn more about the club. David Miller 821237 or Francis Dickinson 822495.