Tuesday, 13 November 2018

November 2018 Meeting

For our November meeting attended by twenty members, the club’s AGM was combined with a games evening, which members enjoyed. We thanked Maureen Hoskins for 5 “sterling” years as Treasurer, and Suzanne and Peter Grady for running the club raffle over a similar period. 

 For the next year, the club’s committee will include Val Large (Chair), David Miller (Secretary) and Francis Dickinson (Treasurer).

Next month, we will be meeting on Tuesday 4th December for the Club’s Christmas Party, which will include members’ food contributions and mulled wine. Rumour has it that there will be some live music from the Vintage Trio.

Our club is an informal one, which enjoys wine, food, and good company. There is a members’ annual fee of only £7 each, and a very low charge for events to cover costs. Village residents are encouraged to call David Miller or me if they are interested in sampling a club event, or would like to learn more about the club. Francis Dickinson, Ph 822495 or David Miller, Ph 821237