Monday, 30 April 2018

April 2018 meeting

Our April Meeting was’ Quiz Night’. We managed to arrange ourselves into 4 teams and then each team was handed a set of questions by our Question Master, Keith. 

The subjects ranged from General Knowledge, Food & Drink and Sport to TV & Film, History/Geography and Nature, not forgetting the Picture Round!

Do you know what Pickles the Dog was famous for?

After much brain-racking (and guessing), the team with the highest score of 30, consisting of Margaret, Sandra, Sarah, Barry and Geoff, were duly rewarded with bottles of wine. A big thank you to Keith and Eileen for organising the questions and also to Suze and Peter, who do a great job organising the raffle.

Our next meeting on the 1st May is a visit to Bower Hill Farm 7pm which includes a Fish & Chip Supper.

Pickles the Dog found the Football World Cup Trophy after it was stolen in 1966