We made up six teams and managed to play four rounds, which led to two teams drawing with the highest score of 102 (not as good as last year's winning 123). After an extra bowl by each member of those two teams, the winners were 'D' (no fancy team names here): Pam, Barry, Chris H. and Derek.
Individual scores over the four rounds ranged from 15 to 33, the highest being to the credit of Graham H's lusty bowling.
Thanks go to Mo for organizing our visit and to Graham B. for driving us.
For our April 4th meeting we have some different pub games, this time at the Christchurch Centre, at the usual time of 8.00 p.m.
Thanks go to Mo for organizing our visit and to Graham B. for driving us.
For our April 4th meeting we have some different pub games, this time at the Christchurch Centre, at the usual time of 8.00 p.m.