Tuesday, 10 November 2015

November 2015 AGM meeting

The Wine Club held its Annual General Meeting on 3rd November when the following officers and committee members were elected:

Chairman - Keith Walton; Treasurer - Maureen Hoskins; Secretary/Publicity - Isobel Taylor; General Committee - Heather Charman, Francis Dickinson, Peter Grady, Suzanne Grady, Kent Sandiford, Barry Wilkins; Raffle officers - Suzanne Grady, Peter Grady.

A programme for 2016 was approved. This includes old favourites such as a New Year dinner, wine-tastings, a skittles evening, a tipplers' stroll, summer and Christmas parties, as well as a visit to a brewery.

The evening was rounded off with a challenging quiz, won by the knowledgeable trio David Miller, Graham Hill and Chris Hoskins.

We have room for more members, so if our programme appeals and you think you would like to join, please do give me a call. (You don't have to make wine, nor do you need to be a wine expert.)