Thursday, 7 March 2013

March 2013 meeting

A group of 14 members from the Wine Club spent an evening at The Haycutter Inn, on March 5th, enjoying a keenly contested game of skittles. Some threw themselves into this more energetically than others. (Hope the bruises are better Kent.) Four teams took part, the winners being Laurie, Suzanne R., Kent and Graham B. with a total score of 127. Their star player was Suzanne who scored a total of 40.

A copious buffet supper added to the success of the evening.

We were sorry that illnesses prevented several members from attending and we hope to see them this month on the nature ramble at Bower Hill Farm, on Tuesday 9th (not the 2nd, because of Easter). 

We meet there at 7.00 p.m If this is too early do come as soon as you can, but let me know you'll be coming so that we order enough fish and chips for our supper in the barn.

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