Monday, 12 November 2012

November 2012 meeting

Something for everyone in our 2013 programme...

... a New Year dinner in January, at the Dog and Duck; a skittles evening; a ramble round Bower Hill Farm followed by a fish-and-chip supper in the barn; a tipplers' stroll; a croquet evening; summer and Christmas parties; a vineyard visit; an evening tasting cheese and wine from around the world; wine-tasting with a commercial vintner.

We hope that this programme will be attractive to potential new members - we have room for more! You do not have to worry about making wine (we don't either). But, as Lord Byron said:

Wine cheers the sad, revives the old, inspires the young, makes weariness forget his toil.

The printed programmes should be available at our December Christmas Party on Tuesday 4th December, Christ Church Hall 8pm.

November 2012 AGM meeting

The club's Annual General Meeting, held on 6 November the following were duly elected to the committee:

Chairman - Kent Sandiford
Treasurer - Derek Freeman
Secretary/Publicity - Isobel Taylor

General Committee:
Heather Charman
Francis Dickinson
Peter Grady
Maureen Hoskins
Suzanne Renaut

Peter and Suzanne as raffle officers